President Biden, we urge you to fulfill your promise of debt cancellation for those experiencing hardship and enact widespread student debt cancellation for ALL federal loan borrowers. You promised hardship protections earlier this year within your Plan B announcement and have campaigned with student debt cancellation as a key issue. Now, 45 million Americans need you to deliver that promise. With the continued attacks on current student debt relief programs, such as the most recent injunctions surrounding the SAVE plan by two Attorneys General and the overturning of the Chevron Doctrine, there is no time to waste. The future of student debt relief programs, such as affordable Income-Driven Repayment (IDR) plans and forgiveness programs, including Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF), has never felt more uncertain. Borrowers need the President to act swiftly. Borrowers continue to bear the weight of the continued attacks on student debt relief and the swirling uncertainty surrounding the future. With each new attack, borrowers are left scrambling to understand how it impacts them and remain fearful of receiving a bill that is two to three times higher than they’re expecting. The urgency of widespread student debt cancellation has never been more clear. Millions of Americans are struggling to stay afloat and rely on President Biden to follow through on his promises of widespread cancellation. President Biden, follow through on your Plan B promise NOW.