Louisiana lawmakers just passed a bill that now requires all public classrooms to display the Ten Commandments. This clearly infringes on the rights of students and ignores the separation of church and state. The law states posters must be displayed in classrooms with large and easy to read text, along with an explanation of the “prominence” they have had in American education history. Sign the petition to tell Republicans they cannot mandate religion in schools. Students from all backgrounds, cultures, and religions attend public schools. Parents send their children to public schools expecting unbiased teachings. “It is a prime example of how Christian nationalism is on the march across this country. It would force public school children of all religions to read and venerate the state’s preferred brand of Christianity. This is a complete violation of church-state separation,” said Rachel Laser, president and CEO of Americans United for Separation of Church and State. “We don’t need states turning public schools into Sunday schools. We need a national recommitment to church-state separation,” she added. Everyone in this country should be allowed the freedom to live, worship, and learn as they choose — without the influence of right-wing leaders. Sign the petition today to tell Republicans, no mandating religion in schools.