How is my commission determined?
We earn revenue by helping progressively aligned causes reach activists via our ad platform. We typically charge from $0.45 to $2.00 per opt-in or click that we generate for them.
When you send traffic to a Civic Shout petition through our affiliate program, you’ll earn 55% of the revenue generated by your traffic.
For new affiliates, earnings are capped $2,500 a month to begin with. If you accidentally go a bit over, we’ll still pay you in full. As we work together, it’s likely your cap will be increased in a month or two. Some affiliates are already earning $12,000 a month.
How are payments handled?
We’ll send you a link to securely share your organization’s banking details with Stripe. Then, on the 1st and 15th of each month, we’ll transfer the money to your Stripe account. You can also choose to use your earnings to purchase opt-ins or clicks at a 20% discount rather than cashing out.
What if there aren’t any petitions that are a good fit for my organization?
Let us know if there’s a specific topic you’d like to see, and if we think it’s a good match, we’ll publish a petition and make it available. We also have a large archive of petition ideas that we add to every week.
Learn more
Reach out to with any other questions.